Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions I get asked about novice and intermediate strength training.

Still have a question? Ask me anything.

Almost 4 months (17 weeks).

I started my SSNLP on September 3, 2022, and my last work set was done on December 28, 2022.

That was lifting ~3 times per week for 49 workouts.

View my entire NLP training log for details.

I messed around in Planet Fitness and my community gym for a year and a half before I started my Starting Strength NLP.

You are an intermediate when you can no longer add weight to the bar every workout.

You are now adding weight every week.

I see novice lifters making the same mistakes over and over:

  1. They start with too much weight on the bar.
  2. They don't eat nearly enough.
  3. They don't stick with the program.

Let's define "missing a lift first." It typically means one of two things to most people.

  1. You missed a rep (you failed to complete your full range of motion at the prescribed weight).
  2. You didn't complete the prescribed set (you did 1x4 instead of 1x5).

If you missed a rep:

  1. Are you well rested?
  2. Did you eat enough the day before and the day of your workout?

If you answered yes to the above two questions, then just repeat the weight for your next workout.

If you didn't complete the prescribed set:

Repeat the weight and set the next workout. 

For example: If you hit 2x5 and 1x4 @ 175, then the goal is to hit 3x5 @ 175 for your next workout. If you do, you get stronger.