Building a Strong Foundation: The Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression

The Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression (SSNLP) is a time-tested and highly regarded approach to building strength and muscle mass.

For those venturing into the world of strength training, finding an effective and structured program is key to consistent progress. The Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression (SSNLP) is a time-tested and highly regarded approach to building strength and muscle mass. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of the Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression, its benefits, and how it can help beginners lay a solid foundation for their strength training journey.

Understanding the Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression

The Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression is a straightforward program designed by renowned strength coach Mark Rippetoe. Its primary focus is compound barbell exercises targeting multiple muscle groups, including the squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press, and power clean. The program employs a linear progression model, which means increasing the weight lifted on each exercise during every session, ensuring constant progress and strength gains.

The Benefits of the SSNLP

The SSNLP offers numerous benefits, particularly for beginners:

  • Simplicity: The program's simplicity makes it accessible and easy to follow, ideal for those new to strength training. A few key exercises and linear progression provide a solid foundation for building strength and motor skills.
  • Efficient Strength Gains: The SSNLP focuses on compound exercises, targeting large muscle groups. This approach allows for efficient strength gains and the development of overall body strength.
  • Progressive Overload: The linear progression model of the SSNLP emphasizes the principle of progressive overload, gradually increasing the weight lifted over time. This constant challenge promotes muscle adaptation and continuous progress.
  • Improved Technique: The SSNLP strongly emphasizes proper form and technique. By mastering the fundamental movements, beginners learn essential lifting skills, reducing the risk of injury and providing a solid base for future training.

Workout A:

Bench Press3x5

Workout B:

Overhead Press3x5
Power Clean5x3

Progression and Deloading

The SSNLP follows a systematic progression model. Start with a weight that allows for proper form and complete each set relatively easily. Add a small increment of weight to each exercise during every workout. Once you fail to complete all repetitions with good form, you reach a point known as a "sticking point." Deloading is then implemented, reducing the weight by a certain percentage, allowing for recovery and overcoming plateaus. The program encourages gradually increasing the weight each session to maximize progress.

Listening to Your Body

While the SSNLP is an effective program, listening to your body throughout the process is crucial. Pay attention to any signs of fatigue, discomfort, or pain. Rest and recovery are vital to strength training, allowing muscles and connective tissues to adapt and grow stronger. Take additional rest days or modify the program to suit your needs if necessary. Remember, progress is a marathon, not a sprint.


The Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression offers a solid framework for beginners to begin their strength training journey. By focusing on compound exercises, consistent progression, and proper technique, individuals can lay a very strong foundation for their intermediate programming.